I visited a friend a few years ago and when she opened the cupboard in the kitchen, several boxes of food to go from one of the popular weight-loss program. He explained that this does not have to buy into the program again, and do not reach their ideal weight, but still food in the hope that help you lose weight from time to time. Despite the fact that he is smart, has displays with thin film stars half-convinced that there is something magical in the same meal!
If you diet food list will be asked, I think they understand things like celery, carrots, rice has a cake, cheese, boiled fish, salad, and depending on your weight loss diets have been able to even mention the cabbage soup, raisins, cider vinegar apple and coconut oil yet.
Some might even frozen foods such as Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice or food on the market in relation to nutrition, such as Weight Watchers and South Beach diets.
For others, like my friend, diet food comes to the door in the form of packaged foods through a program listed for two of the most popular Nutri-System and Jenny Craig are provided.
A wide
If one of these examples is your definition of food in the diet, you need a new dictionary. While some of these foods can be part of a healthy diet, weight loss, diet a whole list of foods from all food and, if they are in the right portion consumed and should always be food you can eat, and enjoy the rest of his life.
Recurrence Narrow regime
If there is a way to ensure that even if you lose weight, you get back everything you eat to determine the well maintained. You say you want to eat these foods in your diet until you reach your goal, then again on all the foods you really like to eat. Thinking like this is an absolute recipe for frustration and demoralization of the losses are painful.
Thousands, perhaps millions of people to lose weight with this mentality, and then find that they all come back, and something else when you eat to stop the so-called diet and eat normal food again. Billions of dollars are spent every year on food, but we are still bigger than us.
It's time to change your thinking.
First, stop thinking about food in terms of diet and regular meals, and instead start thinking about healthy eating junk food. A healthy diet with fruits, vegetables, and not just carrots and celery, grains, meat, eggs, vegetables, dairy products, low fat and healthy fats such as monounsaturated and chocolate, nuts and even dark. This is a huge list of foods and they can keep all the parts of a successful weight loss and most importantly a plan for success in life, for your weight if you have lost.
Know your part
Next, consider the amount of food you eat, and be informed about portion size. Most people, especially overweight people have a joke about how much you eat. If you do not know what looks like a cup of strawberries or three ounces of meat once or twice to measure until you know. Ignorance is no excuse for the law or to eat healthy.
For example, a 1600 calorie diet portion size to 1-1/2 cups of fruit every day, 2 cups of vegetables, grains, 5 ounces, 5 ounces of lean meat, 3 cups low-fat dairy products 4 tsp. Of oil.
Keep track of
Finally, food diary, write down everything you eat, including parts. You may not need to do this forever, but only until you learn the habits that lead to healthy weight and lifestyle.
Record what you eat every day has been achieved as one of the most effective way to ensure success in losing weight. You can use a pen and a piece of paper with ease, one of the major cooking magazines on the market, or online at several sites such as sparkpeople.com free diet, which includes support from the community.
Create your own magic
Mentioned published in this incident, my friend looked a little embarrassed when boxes of food to feed the program. I understand how she feels. Who among us has not by the promise of attitude that makes the temptation of an attractive celebrity also have the same result, when we are ready to change our dollars to be a magical diet?
The good news is that we decide our own magic, and chose instead to the U.S. dollar, the choice of delicious whole foods in appropriate portions, and to build habits that can live with that look good and feel good.