Risk factors may change
There are a handful of risk factors for heart disease, some of which can change or remove it yourself and not others. Most of us have at least one heart disease risk. Your chances of getting heart disease by the number of risk factors that have multiplied. Risk factors that can not be changed are:
• Age - a person ages, the chances of heart disease.
• Heredity - if you have a history of heart disease in your immediate family.
• Gender - Men have an increased risk of heart disease than women in menopause.
Even within these risk factors can not be changed, there are many things you can do to reduce the risk of heart disease, eliminating risk factors. These include:
• Smoking - The # 1 modifiable risk factor for smoking. If you smoke, stop.
• High cholesterol / triglycerides - fats from animals (meat, dairy products), foods with low antioxidant nutrients could lead to a buildup of plaque in arteries.
• Lack of exercise - Exercise strengthens the heart and the muscles around the arteries, which helps the blood through the pump. It also reduces the weight and blood pressure.
• Drugs / Alcohol - weakens the heart muscle and cause irregular heartbeat. Too much alcohol also causes high triglycerides, which prevents dangerous plaques.
• Lifestyle Stress - the lifestyle too hectic, sleep deprivation, creates an environment of higher cortisol levels of caffeine, which stresses the adrenal glands and heart.
• more fat - very fat load on the heart.
• Diabetes / Pre-diabetes - even though this may not be able to turn the diabetes under control, is both a risk to you. Pre-diabetes can be treated and modified by diet, exercise and medication to prevent full-blown diabetes.
• High blood pressure - can cause heart disease and / or stroke. Excessive sodium intake, lack of adequate water supplies can cause high blood pressure kidney disease. Taking the medication.
What can be done to change the risk factors?
Here are some things I advise my patients to start a new life style and health:
Heart first differential diagnosis. Ask your doctor to evaluate:
• Blood tests - HDL cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, HbA1c (pre-diabetes), homocysteine and levels of C-reactive protein to evaluate the inflammatory risk markers in the arteries.
• Electrocardiogram - need to show abnormalities, monitoring.
• Weight - how much weight you lose, you have to be in safer areas.
• Blood pressure - if your level is high or borderline.
Second change in the plan.
• less saturated fat - the limit of saturated fats to 7% of total daily calories. Less red meat and animal fat and full fat dairy products.
• Limit and / or eliminate trans fats - read the labels and / or avoid fried foods like chips and donuts. Stay in 1% of the total daily dose.
• Several monounsaturated fatty acids - from nuts and seeds, such as Brazil, almonds, pecans, walnuts and sunflower seeds. They provide good cholesterol and provides cardiovascular protection.
• heart health supplements - fish oil omega-3 and omega-6 oils such as olive and safflower oil, Co-Q10, resveratrol, folic acid, B vitamins, especially B3, B6 and B12, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium of calcium.
• Fruits and vegetables: sugar of the fruit bat little, two per day, and more vegetables, aim for 6-8 servings a day. This can also plant proteins such as legumes (beans, peas), which also partially or completely replace the animal protein can.
Third alcohol limit.
Moderate alcohol consumption has been shown in research to benefit and protection of the heart, especially red wine glass or beer 12 ounces per day for women or two drinks for men 12 oz. However, liquor, vodka, rum, whiskey, gin, raising a high sugar content and a tendency for triglycerides. Especially mixed with sugary sodas or mixtures of sweeteners. High triglycerides can be dangerous arterial plaque. Limit these drinks 1-2 times a week.
Fourth drug / drug abuse.
Most of us know that drugs can contribute to health problems and even cause a fatal heart attack. However, some side effects of drugs that can affect the heart. Talk to your doctor about all medications that you can think of causing side effects.