It is not clear whether the person has cancer. That's why doctors recommend that people over 50 years of a colonoscopy. Although the results are negative signs for cancer tests back, at each end of the 10 years recommended. But if the results provide an opportunity for the cancer - even if the low probability - the patient must undergo a colonoscopy every two years.
An early symptom of colon cancer that is often overlooked is the excess gas. If you feel bloated stomach and literally cured after eating, this may be a sign of a tumor that grows in your system and blocks the path of the waste in your body. They can also experience constipation due to this constant constipation and eventually to a stomach or abdominal pain. Diarrhea and dehydration may also occur because of changes in bowel habits. If the seats remain for more than two weeks, abnormal, then it could be a sign of cancer. The pain may be associated with inflammation.
Blood in the stool can also be a sign of cancer. This symptom can also mean other health problems such as urinary or anal fissures. Blood in the stool should not be ignored since it often leads to prompt medical attention to a complex disease.
Another possible sign of cancer is anemia. The type of anemia is closely associated with cancer, bleeding or severe bleeding associated. Bleeding can be a side effect of the former or current medications, but if you suddenly contracted the disease, can advise you to go through a series of tests to make sure that you will not have other diseases.
It also reduces the weight, even though no effort to feed themselves. In addition, you will begin to lose their appetite and general malaise after eating. These symptoms are similar to other less harmful, but left after 24 hours of treatment, you should try to find a complete diagnosis.
The diagnosis of cancer is often a stool test - two blood tests and fecal DNA testing stool, sigmoidoscopy - examination of the lower colon only, and colonoscopy - examination of the large intestine. Colonoscopy is recommended for the diagnosis and most accurate of the three. This method uses a thin tube with a camera on one side. The tube is inserted into the anus and the camera captures the look of the colon to check the growth of tumors and other possible irregularities. These diagnostic methods have increased the survival of the human population, causes cancer, but can no longer be able to help if the cancer has progressed to the highest level. Diagnosis suddenly, after all, sharply treatment. So if you have any of these early signs of colon cancer experience, it is best to contact a doctor.