Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sexually Transmitted Infections - What Is Chlamydia?

Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterium that can cause a variety of genital infections. There are many strains or "types", and can cause urethritis (inflammation of the lining of the end of the urinary tract) or cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix). Chlamydia can also be an inflammation of the rectum and testicles, as well as parts of the female reproductive system, such as the fallopian tubes.

This is one of the most common diseases transmitted worldwide.

What is important is that all chlamydial infection causes symptoms. In fact, most infections in adults caused by this bacterium is asymptomatic, especially in women.

It is important to recognize that?

Yes, this organism is sexually transmitted, which means that you can transmit the infection to her sexual partner, even if you feel well. It can also lead to complications and even lead to infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease in women.

The review recommended if you have a change of sexual partners, unprotected sex or having sex with people who had multiple sexual partners themselves.

How is it diagnosed?

There is no specific test for them. Typically a PCR reaction (Polymerase chain) is recommended. This can be taken from a sample of the affected area or a urine sample. The results are usually ready in a week and the positive results show the need for treatment and early detection and treatment of sexual partners. Blood tests are generally not recommended for this particular infection.

How is it treated?

The effectiveness of antibiotic treatment is a cure. Drugs such as azithromycin, doxycycline or erythromycin can be used. Some drugs such as azithromycin need one dose, while the other should take 1 to 2 weeks. No sexual activity again until you have completed all the medicines, or at least a week after a single dose of azithromycin.

I think it may have an infection - what should I do?

If you run the risk of being infected with chlamydia, which is very important, regular inspections, which includes a physical examination and laboratory tests included.

Most people assume they do not seek medical attention if they begin to develop symptoms such as itching, discharge, or skin rash. This is wrong! It is important to have regular checkups, even if no symptoms are present. This is because many sexually transmitted diseases can cause symptoms. This is especially true for women.

Common symptoms of chlamydia may include:
  1. Burning in genital area
  2. Itching in the genital area
  3. Discharge from the urethra or vagina
  4. Pain on defecation

These symptoms do not always have the presence of chlamydia, but visited a doctor if you have to do, and should avoid any form of sexual activity until the cause has been determined